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Connecticut Asian Pacific American Bar Association

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If you are a member of a NAPABA affiliate, such as CAPABA®, you should have received information about how to activate your NAPABA affiliate membership on the NAPABA website using an affiliate code. Being an active affiliate member is not sufficient for voting purposes. You must activate your NAPABA affiliate membership.

Please contact for more information about activating your NAPABA affiliate membership today!


  • For more information about these membership changes, click here.
  • To review our Membership FAQs Sheet, click here.
  • Having issues renewing or activating your NAPABA affiliate membership? Email for assistance.

The Connecticut Asian Pacific American Bar Association (CAPABA®) is the only association geared towards Asian Pacific American attorneys in Connecticut.  CAPABA®’s membership consists of attorneys, law professors, law students, and interested individuals.

CAPABA is a proud affiliate of 

CAPABA® is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

© 2023 Connecticut Asian Pacific American Bar Association, Inc.

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